About Us

What we do:
We offer superior staffing solutions in the manufacturing, exporting, and warehouse logistics industries. We serve as a trusted and expert partner to our clients in today's performance-driven world by allowing our customers to remain agile in responding to their erratic and specialized staffing needs. We support people and organizations in realizing their true potential.

About us:
We succeed through a spirit of excellent services, exceeding the core requirements of our industry.
  • We know our clients, candidates, and the value chain we serve.
  • We know and comply with the laws and regulations that govern our business and the industries we serve.
  • We always seek to improve and innovate. We employ advanced technology for efficiency in a bid to delight our clients and workers.
  • We regard health and safety in our business as the utmost priority. This includes both our own employees and the workers outsourced to our clients.
  • We conduct business in a fair and ethical manner and avoid any situation that could create a conflict of interest, between the interest of ASS and our private interest.
  • We do not offer, pay, or accept bribes or anything of value that could create undue influence or the appearance of inappropriate behavior.
  • We treat others fairly, act with consideration, and respect human rights. We do not tolerate intimidation or harassment in any form.
  • We respect the right to privacy, to ensure that confidential information is kept confidential, and do not abuse the confidential information of others.
  • We do not misuse company property, including hardware, software, and systems for personal purposes.
  • We maintain and provide full, fair, timely, accurate and understandable contracts, records to our stakeholders
Core Values:
People, Excellence, Integrity, and Adaptability.